Thursday, June 17, 2021

Intimate Communion with the Father Drives out Fear

"Draw near to God and he will draw near to you." - Book of James 4:8a

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love." - Book of 1 John 4:18

As you draw near to God, God will draw near to you. "God is love." As a result, your heart, your mind and your entire life will become immersed in the divine love - little by little, more and more. You will see improvements in your thought life; in your behavior or character. The fruits of the spirit will begin to gain deeper roots in you. This is practical living not mere empty talk. Closeness to God brings with it, the ability to feel the presence of God. This ushers in great faith and boldness into your life. This ushers in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. You draw close to God the Father through friendship with or intimate relationship with your Thought Adjuster - the still small voice within you. This is the Father's spirit within - living in your Holy of Holies within! Hallelujah! 🙌

Wisdom, knowledge and understanding help you to discover facts and truths for what they simply are AND to use them for your intellectual and spiritual development. This is how you become a most magnificent version of yourself - a living Jesus on the earth. Jesus Christ will begin to live through you in higher dimensions. Fear will have no place in your life. Faith and love will not allow it to. You are surrounded by God and his heavenly hosts. You are safe and sound! Now please, go out there and be a blessing to others!

If you understand this teaching of your still small voice within and how to fellowship with this voice, and you apply the understanding in your life, YOU WILL BE MORE THAN A CONQUEROR ON THE EARTH! Guaranteed! 👌

This is the secret to having amazing and powerful relationships with Jesus Christ (Christ Michael); with the Holy Spirit; with "Sons of God" like the Melchizedeks; with angels; with fellow human beings, etc, etc.
- This is the key to everything! ❤️
- This is why Jesus summarized his gospel message thus, "The kingdom of God is within you." The Father's kingdom is already within you because his Thought Adjuster, the still small voice is already within you. Oh! Glory!

One Love ❤️
Hallelujah! 🙌