Now, please, were there cases of real or actual demonic possession in the days of Jesus? Yes. Did Jesus cast out demons? Yes. However, since the day of Pentecost, demonic possessions cannot occur BECAUSE of the presence of the Spirit of Truth. Since the outpouring of the Spirit of Truth on all flesh, demonic possession ended. Jesus Christ ascended to heaven and sent his Comforter, the Spirit of Truth down to planet earth (Urantia) - poured out ON ALL FLESH.
We don't have demonic possession anymore as we used to have before Pentecost (Urantia Book 77:7.😎. What we have are cases of demonic oppression, not possession. There is a big difference. Strong or severe cases of demonic oppression may look like demonic possession, but they are not the same.
With demonic possession, rebel spirits are living inside the mind of the individual. This is not possible today because Thought Adjusters are now living in people's minds all over the world - in the minds of masses upon masses of people. Since Pentecost, Thought Adjusters (still, small voice within, the heavenly Father's spirit fragment) have been coming en-masse to indwelling mortals. Now add the outpouring of the Spirit of Truth upon all flesh.
For a human being to be demon possessed or possessed by any rebel spirit, his Thought Adjuster has to leave him, and the Spirit of Truth has to leave as well. In addition, he has to be cut off from the powerful influence of the Holy Spirit as well as the loving ministry of the angelic hosts. Such a case is very, very difficult, if not almost impossible to occur today. This is my understanding of these things.
We should not confuse demonic oppression with demonic possession. They are not the same. Also, some cases are not even demonic oppression. They are medical problems, psychiatric problems, psychological problems, mental problems, etc. You need the right knowledge, wisdom, understanding, counsel, courage, intuition, and a worshipful soul (worship) to be able to know or discern the difference. The seven adjutant mind-spirits come in very handy here.
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Freedom From Demonic Influence or Demonic Oppression
People cannot be possessed by demons or rebel spirit beings today. But they can be troubled by them. They can be oppressed. To totally prevent or overcome demonic oppression, you need to walk by FAITH and LOVE - divine love. In short, you need to immerse yourself in *the fruits of the spirit.* This is your surest and greatest guarantee of total, 100% 💯 freedom from demonic oppression.
Today, some people, believers and unbelievers alike, are suffering from demonic oppression in one area of their lives or the other. They have allowed themselves, knowingly or unknowingly, to be entangled by negative energies, demonic, satanic spiritual circuits, demonic thought forms, etc...
Such brothers and sisters can be totally free as they grow in walking in the fruits of the spirit and in spiritual power. A quicker way to bring freedom, from my own experience in ministry is for someone else of greater manifestation of spiritual power and fruits of the spirit to pray for them. However, please, this does not substitute for walking in the fruits of the spirit. Rather, they go hand-in-hand.
Pray for them and pray with them. Distance cannot hinder such a prayer of faith. Even if they are miles apart, the prayer will still work. If they are standing face-to-face to each other, prayer by the laying on of hands or stretching your hands towards the individual does wonders.
I have prayed for people face-to-face and seen deliverance from demonic strongholds in their lives, taking place. Sometimes, the person may fall down and start shaking violently. Sometimes, you may even hear the rebel spirits speak using the person's voice. This can happen even though the individual is NOT demon possessed. Sometimes, it's not even a rebel spirit speaking. Sometimes, it's the troubled mind of the person speaking... This is a little complex or complicated matter.
Sometimes, I am taken up in the realm of the spirit; I travel long distances to meet people to pray for them and break demonic strongholds in their lives and in their communities. Sometimes, in a community, there may be negative, evil, demonic energies or circuits in a particular location, troubling the community. And God will send some faith-sons, faith-liberated souls: in the realm of the spirit, their souls with their Thought Adjusters will travel to the location and in partnership with other powerful and loving celestial beings, personalities and entities, they will shatter the negative, demonic energies to pieces and repurpose them to do good things.
Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be repurposed. It can be transformed and put to good use. Sometimes, the rebel spirits are not even literally present in a location, but their wicked energies or circuits are present. I know some Urantia Book students will argue against some of the things I have said. But I won't argue. Nothing beats practical, tangible experience. Just let me catch you one day face-to-face and then lay hands on you or have you see me lay hands on someone who is troubled by negative, demonic influence. Certain strongholds may manifest and be broken right before your eyes. Glory to God! 🔥💗🔥
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Here, below, we see that although people cannot be demon possessed today, it is possible for them to be oppressed or troubled by demons or rebel spirit beings. It is possible for an individual to be cursed by their wicked presence - if he or she allows it. Sometimes, an individual can allow something without being very conscious of doing so. It is so important to always submit to the leading of your indwelling spirit, Thought Adjuster! It becomes so much easier to be spirit-led when you wholeheartedly commit to walking in the fruits of the spirit: loving service, peace, sincere fairness, joy, faith, undying hope, confiding trust, etc.
Urantia Book 53:8.6
"The last act of Michael before leaving Urantia was to offer mercy to Caligastia and Daligastia, but they spurned his tender proffer. Caligastia, your apostate Planetary Prince, is still free on Urantia to prosecute his nefarious designs, but he has absolutely no power to enter the minds of men, neither can he draw near to their souls to tempt or corrupt them unless they really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence."
Please, take a close look at UB 53:8.6. Right there, we learn that a wicked, rebel spirit CANNOT enter your mind and CANNOT corrupt your soul EXCEPT you really desire to be cursed with his wicked presence. Sadly, there are some people today who actually really desire to be cursed with the wicked presence of unclean, demonic spirits. These people wholeheartedly and persistently give themselves over to devils.
In such cases, the Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth can leave that person. This makes it possible for a rebel spirit to enter the mind of the individual and to corrupt his soul. This is a very severe case of demonic oppression and can lead to demonic possession. Such cases are rare.
This is why I believe that even though demonic possession is a thing of the past, it is still possible IF someone really desires to be cursed with a demonic presence. Such a desire can get the Thought Adjuster and Spirit of Truth to leave. This makes the person open for all kinds of weird, demonic stuffs...
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Now, please consider this twist:
Rebel spirits can enter the mind of a man or a woman and terribly corrupt his or her soul IF HE OR SHE REALLY DESIRES TO BE CURSED WITH THEIR WICKED PRESENCE.
Now, how much more, if you really desire to be blessed by God's glorious, loving, and all-powerful divine presence?
Some people say they want God's presence and mighty spiritual power! But they do not yet walk in SPIRITUAL POWER. The key is YOUR DESIRE! Hallelujah! 🙌🏻🙌🏿🙌
How great is your DESIRE?
How really hungry are you for God?
This is what will determine the number of very, very powerful and very, very loving celestial beings that will come to you to embrace you, love you, bless you, protect you, guide you, empower you, etc, etc.
Please, what is the level and quality of YOUR DESIRE?
You can become very, very great and very, very powerful in God's kingdom, walking in love and spiritual power. It's all up to you!
Psalm 42:1-2b
"As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.
My soul thirsts for God, for the living God."
Shalom! Namatse! 🎇🙏🏼💞