Thursday, December 19, 2019

Be Still!

Please, how can one really succeed in having a wonderful "personal relationship" with God? The key lies in discovering and working with the Father presence within you - "the still small voice"! You have to learn to get into the place of stillness to develop that remarkable ability to hear from God; to interact with God; to commune with your Heavenly Father. "Be still and know that I am God." 

It is in this place of stillness that you will be able to know God; to have life transforming experiences or encounters with God. It is in this place of stillness that you find your true self, your life's purpose and eternal destiny! 

You cannot really have an outstanding, glorious relationship with "the Christ" (Jesus Christ), the Holy Spirit, angels, Melchizedeks and a host of other personalities in the Father's kingdom not until you first and foremost develop a successful working relationship with "the still small voice" - the Father's spirit that dwells within your mind, in your "Holy of Holies". This is true because God the Father is the "First Source and Center". 

One has to be grounded in the First and Original Source and Center of all things and then all other relationships will begin to fall in place and will begin to make sense way beyond one's wildest dreams and imaginations. This is how we have been designed. This is how the interplay between your "body, soul and spirit" thrives - really thrives to the glory of the Father and the benefit of all of creation! Enjoy! 🍷

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