Finaliters are, for the most part, unseen celestial beings who were once mortal terrestrial beings - who were once "human beings"... ...People who lived on imperfect terrestrial worlds like Urantia (planet Earth) and graduated to the heavenly realms to begin their ascent to Paradise. They successfully became eternally one with their indwelling Thought Adjusters - eternal fusion, eternal oneness with the Father's spirit within, the still small voice within, the divine spark within.
And then ultimately reached Paradise - attained Paradise; became "perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect"; stood, as it were, face-to-face before God the Universal Father; received a very unique divine embrace; and were mustered into, "The Corp of the Finality". Finaliters are those who, in the Bible are called, "spirits of just men made perfect". (Hebrews 12:23)
Hebrews 12:23, "To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,"
As we speak, there are finaliters present on Earth (Urantia). They are always here. And you can tell your Thought Adjuster that you desire to fellowship with them; to have direct spiritual encounters with them; to be ministered to, directly, one-on-one, by them, etc. Your request may be granted! Hallelujah! 💝🕊️🙏
Urantia Book 31:0.11, "One or more companies of the mortal finaliters are constantly in service on Urantia. There is no domain of universe service to which they are not assigned; they function universally and with alternating and equal periods of assigned duty and free service." Please, did you catch that? It has been revealed, "One or more companies of the mortal finaliters are constantly in service on Urantia." So much amazing experiences await you, a sincere and honest truth seeker! Oh! Glory! Hallelujah! 🎇💓🙏
Please, note that finaliters are grouped in companies. A company of finaliters is made up of 1,000 individuals or beings. Of this 1,000, 990 are "glorified mortals". This means 990 members of each company of finaliters were once mortals or free will intelligent mortals.
These glorified mortals make up 990 of the 1,000 members of a finaliter company. The remaining slot of 10 are allocated to:
1. Havona Natives.
2. Gravity Messengers.
3. Adopted Seraphim.
4. Glorified Material Sons.
5. Glorified Midway Creatures.
6. The Evangels of Light.
And this is the reason why I said finaliters are, for the most part, folks who were once mortals. In each company of finaliters, 990 were once mortals. To learn more about finaliters, please read: The Urantia Book, Paper 31, "The Corps of the Finality"
Karo Akamune Peace ☮️🕊️ and Blessings! 🤗🙏🏿