Now, beloved, why do we need salvation? Do we need salvation because of sin? No, please. We were not created with eternal life inherent within us. We were created mortals, with the potential of becoming immortals IF we accept to wholeheartedly commit ourselves to the eternal divine plan and purpose of God. Embracing the divine love with all our hearts and dedicating our lives to his love is a signal to God that we are totally willing to align with, and eternally commit to his eternal divine plan and purpose.
As a result, he gives us the free gift of salvation and eternal life. This eternal life is the God-kind of life that empowers us and enables us to literally live forever. In order to fulfill your role in his eternal divine plan and purpose, you have to live forever. So, he gifts you his eternal life. Those who refuse to align with his will and way, ultimately cease to exist. He will not or cannot force them to work with him forever. So, goodbye. They are gone. Yes, our salvation delivers us from sinning or living in sin. Nevertheless, even if Lucifer had never rebelled and even if we humans do not do very terrible things, we will still be in need of salvation and eternal life. To receive salvation is to be crowned a bonafide spiritual son of God. To receive eternal life or to have eternal life fully functional in your life is to be crowned with the ability to live forever, endlessly, ruling and reigning with the everlasting, ever-loving, all-powerful heavenly Father, the First Source and Divine Center. We mortals are not created or born with eternal life inherent within us. And we were not born having the absolute, eternal perfection of God. Same goes for some celestial beings like Lucifer. If Lucifer and all other unseen beings who rebelled had the absolute, eternal perfection of "the Father in heaven", they would never ever had rebelled or sinned. The ability or tendency to sin would not have been present. Some of God's children or creatures, terrestrial and celestial alike... ...some... ...were intentionally not created with the absolute, spotless, infallible perfection of God. They were created with varying degrees of perfection and then commanded to EXPERIENCE LIFE and grow or evolve to become perfect as the heavenly Father is perfect. And there are amazing reasons for this.We teach Truth, Beauty and Goodness. We place a strong emphasis on LOVE, FAITH & PRAYER. We uphold that all men and women are sons and daughters of God. Some are in the light; some are in darkness.
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Saturday, December 9, 2023
Why Do We Need Salvation?
It is very, very important for us to understand these things. I greet you in love!
Grace, Light and Truth.
Cheers! ️
- Brother Karo Akamune
We know that there are billions upon billions of galaxies. It is estimated that there are between 200 billion to 2 trillion galaxies in the observable universe. Each galaxy has trillions upon trillions of planets and stars. We are definitely not alone. God (our Source) has revealed to those who care to listen that he has intelligent free will mortals in other planets - in trillions of planets.
Now, please, what is the requirement for salvation for people living in all these planets out there? It is LOVE - the wholehearted embrace of the divine love by faith that really ushers in the free gift of salvation and eternal life.
Urantia Book 15:14.8
"The grand universe number of your world, Urantia, is 5,342,482,337,666. That is the registry number on Uversa and on Paradise, your number in the catalogue of the inhabited worlds. I know the physical-sphere registry number, but it is of such an extraordinary size that it is of little practical significance to the mortal mind."
Jesus said he has sheep not of this fold or not of this world. Also, God, our heavenly Father can confirm for you that free will intelligent mortals exist in some other planets - if you ask him earnestly and sincerely. Please, have you ever asked God, the God of LOVE?
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