Reincarnation In The Urantia Book Paper 46:7.4-5 (Spornagia are in the heavenly realms) "Although spornagia neither possess nor evolve survival souls, though they do not have personality, nevertheless, they do evolve an individuality which can experience reincarnation. When, with the passing of time, the physical bodies of these unique creatures deteriorate from usage and age, their creators, in collaboration with the Life Carriers, fabricate new bodies in which the old spornagia re-establish their residences."
"Spornagia are the only creatures in all the universe of Nebadon who experience this or any other sort of reincarnation. They are only reactive to the first five of the adjutant mind-spirits; they are not responsive to the spirits of worship and wisdom. But the five-adjutant mind equivalates to a totality or sixth reality level, and it is this factor which persists as an experiential identity." Paper 164:3.4 "There was, throughout all these regions, a lingering belief in reincarnation. The older Jewish teachers, together with Plato, Philo, and many of the Essenes, tolerated the theory that men may reap in one incarnation what they have sown in a previous existence; thus in one life they were believed to be expiating the sins committed in preceding lives. The Master found it difficult to make men believe that their souls had not had previous existences." So, according to the Urantia Book, "Spornagia are the only creatures in all the universe of Nebadon who experience this or any other sort of reincarnation." Nevertheless, the Revelators of the Urantia Book did not say reincarnation does not happen in other universes. So, my thinking is that if mortals in another universe can experience reincarnation, then it may be very possible for them to come to our universe and live as mortals on a planet like ours and reincarnate several times. Incarnation In The Urantia Book The Urantia Book teaches that some celestial personalities can and actually do incarnate several times on different worlds: angelic worlds, mortal evolutionary worlds (like ours), etc. It is possible for them to incarnate more than once on a particular planet. This is a case of multiple incarnations. But the authors of the Urantia Book do not use the term, "reincarnation" to describe such experiences. Please see this: Urantia Book Paper 7:5.10 "...The co-ordinate Creator Sons and the associate Magisterial Sons, together with other unrevealed orders of sonship, all partake of this wonderful willingness to bestow themselves upon the varied orders of creature life and as the creatures themselves..." The UB teaches that there are "UNREVEALED ORDERS OF SONSHIP" in the celestial realms who incarnate as other creatures. For example, they incarnate as human beings. The UB does not say they cannot return to the same planet multiple times. My personal understanding is that they can surely return to the same planet and live in the flesh many times. It's possible. The Revelators of the Urantia Book did not go in details with regards to these "unrevealed orders of sonship". However, concerning the Avonal Sons of God, the UB provides more information. It says they come to planets like ours. On Magisterial Missions, they may take on flesh. Sometimes, but not all the time. On Bestowal Missions, they have to incarnate or take on flesh, starting off as babies or adults... "There is no limit to the number of times the Avonal Sons may serve on magisterial and on bestowal missions, but usually, when the experience has been seven times traversed, there is suspension in favor of those who have had less of such service. These Sons of multiple bestowal experience are then assigned to the high personal council of a Creator Son, thus becoming participants in the administration of universe affairs." - Urantia Book 20:2.8 The thing is, if there is no limit to the number of times the Avonal Sons can incarnate on planets like ours, then, there may also be no limit to the number of times other unrevealed orders of sonship can incarnate. This may very well be the explanation of some cases that some people call "reincarnation." There are some books that talk about angels like seraphim angels coming to live in the flesh several times on a particular planet. However, I cannot point to any verse in the Urantia Book that confirms this. One thing is certain, a lot, and I mean a lot is going on. But Jesus, in the Urantia Book says clearly that his mortal children that he created "as mortals" do not reincarnate. (Please see UB 164:3.4) Another Interesting Piece Of The Puzzle: Please study the Thought Adjuster papers: Paper 107 to 112. You shall discover that if a mortal makes an eternally binding decision never to follow God, his Thought Adjuster can go to another planet to indwell another mortal. As a result, a Thought Adjuster can live in several mortals. In addition, there are mortals in some planets who are not destined to fuse with their Adjusters. They are destined to fuse with another type of spirit fragment after they die. A Thought Adjuster can serve in the life of two or more such mortals at different times. So, if you have a Thought Adjuster who has lived in different mortals, it is possible for you to tap into the lives of those mortals because some information about them is kept by the Adjuster. When this happens, you may misinterpret the experience, and you may start to think you have lived in the past... ...Hahaha... Cheers! One love! Peace. - Karo E.K.D. Akamune The Christ Michael Center
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