Saturday, May 8, 2021

Our Ascent To Paradise

The Fifth Epochal Revelation, FER (that is the Urantia Book, UB) tells us that our terrestrial planet, earth (Urantia) is under a group of planets that make up a system. When we die or leave this earth, we will first of all go to the "seven mansion worlds" or heavenly worlds of our system. They are in the system's capital. This capital is called Jerusem. Paul saw the third of these seven mansion worlds. 

Later, we will progress beyond Jerusem to the capital of our constellation. The capital is called Edentia. There, we will go through another set of various heavenly realms, worlds or planets. All these are in the celestial realms NOT terrestrial realm. This is the meaning of ascending from glory to glory! Hallelujah! 

We will continue to progress to higher and higher realms till one day, we will arrive in Paradise - the literal dwelling place of God the Father. There to receive a very special embrace from the Father. By this time, we have attained divine perfection. We have fulfilled the mandate, "Be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect." You cannot be allowed into Paradise itself before you attain the Father's kind of perfection. 

If allowed and you see the Father, you will die. You will fissle out of existence. "No man can see God and live." To be able to see God the Father and live, you MUST be perfect as the Father is perfect. After attaining Paradise, we become, "Finaliters" - ready to rule and reign in worlds that are presently evolving in the Outer Space Levels. Oh! Hallelujah! Glory! 🙌 #OneLove ❤ 🍷

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