Your body is the vehicle that your soul and spirit need in order to live, function and experience life in this earthly, terrestrial realm. Your body is not your real you. It is a vehicle, a house, a temple, a tool for your soul and spirit to express and exert themselves in a third dimensional realm like planet Earth.
Your soul is your real you. Your soul exists in a realm between your body and your spirit. It impinges on or interacts with your body and your spirit more directly. It is your soul that is the YOU that continues to exist after your life on Earth is done. It is your soul that receives the gift of salvation; that gets born again or born from above. Your body does not get born again. Your spirit does not need salvation.
Your spirit is pure and perfect. Your spirit has the perfection of "the Source" - God the Father. Your spirit came from the Father to live in you; to spiritualize your thinking; to help you to become perfect as the Father is perfect, slowly but surely. Your spirit is the image of God in you because it is an exact replica of God, miniaturized in a way you can contain. This is why this spirit is called the spark of God, the candle light of God, the still small voice, the divine fractal, the divine fragment of God in you.
Your spirit lives in your mind, in the superconscious level of your mind or the holy of holies of your mind. This is the highest dimension of your mind where sin does not exist. It is pure gold. It is far above your conscious mind, subconscious mind, etc. This is how God in his perfection, power, love and glory can live in you even when you give yourself over to ungodliness or unrighteous deeds. Even when you succumb to temptations, God is still in you because there's a place in you where evil, sin and iniquity cannot approach. You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" indeed!
One Love! 💗
- Pastor Karo Akamune
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