Monday, September 30, 2024

Saved by Faith and Faith Alone

We often hear of religions that sprang forth from Abraham - the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Now, please factor this in: Abraham was here about 4,000 years ago. Do you know that long, long, long before Abraham was even born, there were African Traditional Religion, South American Traditional Religion, etc? In short, what you call the "Law of Moses" was already being practiced by Africans, South Americans, North Americans (Native Americans), etc, 6,000 years ago, 20,000 years ago and beyond. 

Clean and unclean things. Stoning guilty offenders to death. Marrying your late brother's wife. Agricultural laws. Human and animal blood sacrifices. Worship temples having the outer court, inner court, and innermost court with various Priests and a High Priest (Chief Priest). Etc. Everything you see in Judaism was already being practiced by other religions thousands upon thousands of years before there was anything called, "Judaism". So please, who copied who? 

Now, please why did God allow blood sacrifices? You have to understand that salvation, divine favor, divine blessings, etc come by grace through faith and faith alone. Faith in God that he is your spiritual Father and that he loves you. But primitive man found it extremely difficult to grasp unto faith, a spiritual substance, without going through something that is physically tangible to him. He strongly felt he needed to bring in some "works."

Even when Jesus was here, we saw a woman who found it very difficult to walk in faith and faith alone in order to receive her healing. She strongly believed that she had to do something physically tangible like touching the hem of his garment. To this day, some people struggle to exercise faith without a physical intermediary. 

Primitive man insisted on paying something very expensive or offering a very costly physical sacrifice in order to get God's attention. Spiritual realities like grace, faith, and love were just too abstract for him to comprehend. Something outward or visible needed to be brought in to help him gravitate towards the invisible. And what could be more expensive or costlier than a human life! As a result, human blood sacrifices became popular worldwide for thousands upon thousands of years, long, long, long before there were prophets like Moses. 

God, our heavenly Father ministers to us directly. He also ministers to us through his angels: sanobim angels, cherubim angels, seraphim angels, etc. These angels, working with religious leaders worldwide succeeded in prevailing on some of them to replace human blood sacrifices with animal blood sacrifices. If man could not immerse himself in faith and faith alone and in sacrifices of a broken heart, a contrite heart, a repentant heart alone BUT INSISTS ON offering his costliest possession - children as sacrifices; if he cannot make that leap from human blood sacrifice to faith and faith alone, then he could be met halfway. At least, it would be better to get him to replace the humans with his choicest animals. The senseless killings of fellow human beings had to stop! 

God never ever needed blood. It was the very slow growth of man that called for it. You are saved by grace through faith and faith alone; not by works.

Peace and Blessings! πŸ™πŸŒ·πŸŽ‡πŸ€πŸŒΊπŸŒΌπŸŒŽπŸ¦‹πŸŒŒπŸ’ŽπŸ’—

- Brother Karo E.K.D. Akamune
The Christ Michael Center
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Monday, September 16, 2024

Body, Soul, and Spirit, PART II

You are made up of body, soul, and spirit. In addition, you have the carnal, animal nature - the mark of the beast as a result of your evolutionary animal origin. You also have a personality and a mind. Your personality is eternally changeless. It is permanence in the midst of all kinds of continuous changes. Your mind is very, very deep, very, very wide, broad, etc. It experiences changes. Your mind is divided into three main aspects: the material, the morontial, and the spiritual aspects. 

You have willpower. You have "free will." You have the power of decision-choice given to you by God. Now, for you to have amazing experiences, and outstanding victories in your daily life, you have to make use of your power of choice to choose godly thoughts, words, and actions that will get you to tap into the great powers or awesome abilities of your body, soul, and spirit. *This is a call to action!* Please, have this in mind as you continue reading. Be blessed! ✨πŸŒ±πŸ·πŸ’—πŸ™πŸ½

Your body is physical or material, and it is the outer court of your temple, your tabernacle. This is the outer court of your mind. This is the material part of your mind. This is your conscious mind. For example, your brain, a very vital part of your body, has direct access to your conscious mind. As a result, we may say that your body is in the conscious levels of your mind. 


Your soul exists in the middle realms of your mind, in the middle area of your mind - your mid-mind. This is the inner court of your mind - the morontia part of your mind. Your soul is morontial in nature. This means it exists in a realm between the outward-physical, carnal, or material and the spiritual. (Think of "morontia" as semi-spiritual). Your soul is growing intellectually and spiritually. Your soul is in what we may call the subconscious levels of your mind (for lack of better words).  

For mid-mind, please see Urantia Book 111:2.8

111:2.8, "The midway creatures have long denominated this evolving soul of man the mid-mind in contradistinction to the lower or material mind and the higher or cosmic mind. This mid-mind is really a morontia phenomenon since it exists in the realm between the material and the spiritual..."


Your spirit is the divine spirit, your Thought Adjuster, the still, small voice within you. (This is the technique through which God the Father, himself, is able to live in you. Please, remember, the Paradise Father cannot literally live in you. You will explode!) Your spirit dwells in the superconscious levels of your mind. This is your Holy of Holies within. This is the highest area of your mind. This is your innermost temple or innermost court within. This is the purely spiritual part of your mind. This part of your mind is 100% pure, spotless, pure gold, pure bliss, etc. This is "the citadel of the spirit."

For the superconscious mind, please see Urantia Book 91:2.6
91:2.6, "...But there is also a domain of prayer wherein the intellectually alert and spiritually progressing individual attains more or less contact with the superconscious levels of the human mind, the domain of the indwelling Thought Adjuster..."

This Urantia Book (UB) text more or less reveals the domains of your soul and your spirit - the subconscious levels of your mind (domain of the soul) and the superconscious levels of your mind (domain of the spirit):   

UB Paper 91:3.5, "...Prayer induces the human ego to look both ways for help: for material aid to the subconscious reservoir of mortal experience, for inspiration and guidance to the superconscious borders of the contact of the material with the spiritual, with the Mystery Monitor." 


Love & Light! πŸ€πŸŽ‡

-- Brother Karo Akamune 


A Salvation Prayer

To receive our heavenly Father's life transforming gift of salvation, please, you may say this prayer in faith:  

Oh God! My heavenly Father, with all my heart, I accept you as my spiritual Father. Thank you for your infinite love towards me. I embrace your love with all of my heart, mind, and soul. I yearn to have a personal revelational encounter with you. I seek a Father-son relationship with you. God, my spiritual Father, I accept your divine forgiveness of any and all of my sins. May I walk in your divine love and spiritual power in my dealings with others. I make a wholehearted commitment to do your will. In faith, I ask all these under your great grace, in the name above all other names. Amen. Thank you, God, my SOURCE! I adore and worship you! πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ’œ

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