Jesus declared the full gospel message. He taught the good news of God's kingdom, which included the requirements for salvation and spiritual growth. We see the proof of these in the very lives of his disciples (believers). They repented. Their sins were completely forgiven. Their souls were cleansed and uplifted. They experienced "the new birth" - salvation, born again, born from above, born of the spirit. All these happened WITHOUT Jesus shedding a single drop of blood.
Zacchaeus is a very good example (Luke 19:1-10). He sincerely repented. And God forgave him all his sins. This is why Jesus said to him that SALVATION had come to him. It is not proper for some people to twist this and say Jesus did not mean that Zacchaeus had received the free gift of salvation. Please, why are you twisting or misinterpreting Jesus' words all because you stubbornly insist on justifying the man-made blood atonement doctrine of our ancestors and of Paul?
The seventy (70) evangelists of Luke 10 present another example of believers who were already saved or born again as a result of the Master’s gospel ministry. Our Master, Jesus, himself declared that their names were already written in heaven because they had already received the heavenly Father's (our spiritual Father's) free gift of salvation (Luke 10:18-20). Now please, do people receive salvation at the cross of Christ? Yes, they do. People receive salvation, cross or no cross: by having a personal, life transforming, soul rejuvenating encounter with God and his love.
You cannot understand the gospel of the kingdom: the gospel of salvation and spiritual growth by using our ancestors and individuals like Peter and Paul as the standard teachers. No, please! Jesus is the standard teacher! All teachings must be brought under the radar of Jesus' teachings. That's how you do it. When you understand these things, you will easily see how people from other cultures and religions here on earth, and also those in other planets (a.k.a. aliens) receive salvation and grow spiritually. And you will not misunderstand the statements Jesus made concerning his death and resurrection.
Luke 10, NKJV
18 And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. 20 Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.”
A Salvation Prayer
To receive our heavenly Father's life transforming gift of salvation, please, you may say this prayer in faith:
Oh God! My heavenly Father, with all my heart, I accept you as my spiritual Father. Thank you for your infinite love towards me. I embrace your love with all of my heart, mind, and soul. I yearn to have a personal revelational encounter with you. I seek a Father-son relationship with you. God, my spiritual Father, I accept your divine forgiveness of any and all of my sins. May I walk in your divine love and spiritual power in my dealings with others. I make a wholehearted commitment to do your will. In faith, I ask all these under your great grace, in the name above all other names. Amen. Thank you, God, my SOURCE! I adore and worship you! ❤🙏💜
Love, Light, and Life!
- Karo E. Akamune
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