Tithing, in and of itself, is NOT under any religious law. Long, long, long before our tribes or nations began implementing religious, socio-cultural LAWS, tithing was already being practiced in this our universe. Tithing is a great principle that helps a group of people plan, budget, and execute projects. Plain and simple.
Tithe is NOT by force. But religious, socio-cultural laws (like the Law of Moses) may force people to pay tithes and attach penalties against defaulters. You, as an individual, have to decide whether or not to subject yourself to such laws. If you understand the teachings of Jesus, you will know that it is NOT in your best interest to enslave yourself to man-made religious, socio-cultural laws.
At the same time, wisdom may admonish you to practice tithing - NOT under "the law" but under grace. Generally speaking, if you are truly intelligent, wise, and spiritually minded, you will always set money aside, for example, 3%, 10%, 20%, etc.
This is money we may call "charity money" or "gift money". From this money, you may allocate a portion towards the work of a religious group; another portion towards assisting family members, friends, strangers, etc. And you do so cheerfully, according to what you can afford, NOT foolishly beyond your means. Some people give foolishly in the name of "Dangerous or Violent Giving" and then turn around later to beg others for financial assistance. Please, with all due respect, that's just being stupid.
Melchizedek lived on earth, in Salem, before there was anything like the Jewish religious, socio-cultural laws, a.k.a. "the Law of Moses." He had a church and sent out missionaries around the world. His members gave tithes to his work. Abraham was one of them.
We have a Biblical record, "Melchizedek Blesses Abram", Genesis 14:20, https://biblehub.com/genesis/14-20.htm, that makes mention of Abraham giving a tenth to Melchizedek. Please, understand this: What Abraham did was NOT a one-off thing. No, please. The record in the Bible does NOT say that was the first and only time Abraham gave tithes to Melchizedek.
It simply shows an example, or an incidence of Abraham giving a tenth to Melchizedek, the Sheik, Leader, or King of Salem, who also functioned as a Priest. And there is so, so much more to be said about this amazing Melchizedek Son of God! Think. Listen to the Spirit of Truth. Receive insight. Abraham was a student of Melchizedek, and he regularly gave tithes to his work.
In short, the Salem colony, at its height, carried over one hundred thousand (over 100,000) regular tithe payers on the rolls of the Melchizedek brotherhood. You will see this revelation in the Urantia Book Paper 93, "Machiventa Melchizedek", 93:6.8, https://www.urantia.org/urantia-book-standardized/paper-93-machiventa-melchizedek
An Example of the Tithing Technique on another Planet
Source: The Urantia Book Paper 55, Section 3, "The Golden Ages"
Human government in the conduct of material affairs continues to function throughout this age of relative progress and perfection. The public activities of a world in the first stage of light and life which I recently visited were financed by the tithing technique. Every adult worker—and all able-bodied citizens worked at something—paid ten per cent of his income or increase to the public treasury, and it was disbursed as follows:
1. Three per cent was expended in the promotion of truth—science, education, and philosophy.
2. Three per cent was devoted to beauty—play, social leisure, and art.
3. Three per cent was dedicated to goodness—social service, altruism, and religion.
4. One per cent was assigned to the insurance reserves against the risk of incapacity for labor resultant from accident, disease, old age, or unpreventable disasters.
Source Links:
Text: https://urantiabook.org/055-The-Spheres-of-Light-and-Life/#55_3
Audio: https://assetrepository.urantiabook.org/AssetRepository/Audio/eng01/055-The-Spheres-of-Light-and-Life/P055_03.mp3
Blessed Be!
- Karo E.K.D. Akamune
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