Friday, June 28, 2019

A Salvation Letter to a Friend (II)

…You wander about the death of Jesus because of the theology of salvation that you have embraced. Please beloved, did Jesus teach that you MUST believe that his blood washes away your sins in order for you to be saved? Forget about Peter or Paul or whoever, for a minute. Please, focus squarely on the teachings of the Master himself. Christ was here as Jesus in the flesh. What did He teach with regards to salvation? Remember His talk with Nicodemus? In essence, Jesus told Nicodemus that he could get born again right there in the garden. I hope you know this. Jesus did not say, "Oh, but you have to wait till I spill my blood." Also, on many occasions, we see God forgiving people's sins as Jesus went about his ministry. Please, take note: his blood had not been spilled o! 

So, in answer to your question my brother: for their salvation, people in other planets do not even need to know that Christ was on a planet far, far away as Jesus; let alone believe that his blood was spilled for their sins to be washed away. Salvation is the same anywhere: "You are saved by grace through faith. It is a gift from God." Now what does that really mean? 

You are saved by grace through faith. Faith in what, please? Christianity says it is faith that Jesus died and bled to wash away your sins. But Jesus did not teach that. You are saved by faith - faith that God is your Father and that He loves you. If you can allow this "faith" to be real in your heart, you will receive a life transforming quickening by the LOVE of God, which causes you to surrender all to God - to seek to do His will. In all these, the grace of God gives you strength. This, in a nutshell, is the real salvation message. And this is how people get saved in every inhabited planet. 

Do people get saved at the foot of the Cross? Yes, of course! Why? At the Cross, Jesus revealed the Father's LOVE in a very deep and moving way. The Cross experience helps many people to see and feel and understand the LOVE of the Father. That's why they get saved at the Cross. It is not the blood of Jesus that washes away the sins in the literal sense. It is a revelation of the LOVE of God that the human heart sees at the Cross and receives that ushers in salvation. If you go to the Cross without experiencing a "quickening" revelation of God's love, you will not experience salvation - regardless of the amount of sinner's prayers offered. We have people walking about today who are not yet saved because of this. They have offered the so-called sinner's prayer o! Yet no real spiritual transformation. Jesus' blood does not magically save anyone. You must have a spiritual encounter with God the Father by FAITH in His LOVE and tender care. This happens at the Cross. It also happens elsewhere. So, YES. Christianity understands salvation - but partially NOT fully. 

Yes: The death of Jesus actually helps many people to embrace salvation. Jesus knew this would happen. And that's one of the reasons he "gave himself for many". There are also other deep reasons why he chose to die. He knew it would help end the senseless and brutal animal and human sacrifices - which largely were put in place by "doctrines of demons" to enslave people. Blood sucking demons were having a feel day. Jesus wanted to end that. At a deeper esoteric level, his spilled blood "spoke" to address these problems. It was one effective way he used to silence the likes of Lucifer and other fallen princes of darkness who made use of animal and human blood sacrifices to keep humanity in bondage. 

When they saw Jesus' blood, they couldn't handle it. Unlike the animal and human blood they had been drinking for ages upon ages, Jesus' blood presented a power they could not defeat. That was a game changer. They met their waterloo. The price of blood demanded by demons or devils from humans was effectively terminated. We can go on and on. But let me stop here for now. I know this discourse may be confusing to some people. It takes a deep spiritual mind to understand these spiritual transactions. But there's hope: "The Spirit of Truth shows the way!"

I greet you sincerely!

A Salvation Letter to a Friend

The message of salvation is one of the simplest spiritual messages. It is also one of the most difficult for Christians to clearly understand. There's so much confusion out there. You should start by focusing on what Jesus – himself said about salvation. Focus on that. Study that. That's the priority not what Paul or the other Apostles said.
Meditate on these questions, please:
1) If the shedding of blood is a must requirement for the forgiveness of sins, how come Jesus forgave people their sins as he went about preaching and teaching - before he was crucified?
2) What is justice? Is it justice to punish an innocent man for the crime, sins and misdeeds of guilty offenders?
= = =
If humans who are just and fair would not do such a thing as punish an innocent man for the misdeeds of others, how in the Heavens do you get to think that the Almighty and all loving and divinely just God the Father would do such a thing?? Such a belief is like a slap in the face of our Heavenly Father. It's an insult.
The Father did not punish Jesus for our sins. Jesus simply chose to allow natural events to take their course. He was assaulted by killers and murderers and he chose to face it head on as an ordinary human being, as a way to experience the full human or mortal experience which includes dying. Otherwise, they would not have succeeded in killing him.
Jesus also allowed it to happen because he knew his brutal crucifixion would play a very, very big role in bringing blood sacrifice to an end. Just like Moses helped humans to evolve from human sacrifice to animal sacrifice, Jesus also is helping humans to evolve from any kind of blood sacrifice. His death has a big part in this.
Salvation is simple:
You are saved by grace through faith - faith that God is your Father and you are His child and faith in His power to keep you securely all through eternity. It is this same faith that saved Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Peter, Mary, Paul, etc. The technique of salvation has never changed. It's the same anywhere and anytime.
An understanding or insight into the love of God facilitates the delivery of salvation to you.
Yes, people look at the cross and receive salvation. Why is it so? Simple: The cross showcases God's love in action. Even in death, Jesus revealed love. And if a human being is able to see this love, he or she can be pulled to or drawn to God - in total and humble surrender to the rule and reign of God in his/her heart. This is why people experience salvation at the cross. It is not in the bleeding blood per say. It is in their receiving a life transforming revelation of God's love. The suffering and death of Jesus simply makes it easier for some people to see this love. There are others who have seen this same love through other means and have embraced salvation. And there are those who have come to the cross and failed to see this love and are still lost to this very day! God is not a magician. There are spiritual principles that must be followed.
In a nutshell, salvation is by grace through faith, facilitated by the quickening of the human heart and mind through a life transforming experience of seeing and embracing the divine love.
When you understand this, then you'll see that some Christians are saved; some are not. Some Muslims are saved; some are not. Some Buddhists are saved; some are not. Some aliens (intelligent mortals in other planets) are saved; some are not. Jesus presented a salvation message that is applicable to anyone regardless of nationality, religion or planet of origin. The spiritual technique of salvation has to be clearly understood.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Hell Fire, the Lake of Fire and God's Love

Please, come with me, patiently... Here on Earth, if someone with a conscience does something bad, evil or wicked, he (or she) usually would feel really uncomfortable. He would feel some pains and would go through some sorrows. If he does something amazing and really good, he would feel happiness, joy, love and satisfaction.
In the after-life, when the physical body shell is discarded, these feelings of pains/sorrows or joy/gladness are highly, greatly amplified to the "nth degree". The joy, gladness and love become really, really "unspeakable"! The pains, sorrows and guilt become really, really amplified too. The physical, carnal body really does insulate us from or limit us from having a complete or total, all-encompassing feeling of "actual realities". The mortal death (the first death), changes all that.
This explains why souls feel great pains in hell or great joys unspeakable in heaven. God does not take pleasure in punishing you. But you reap what you sow. Plain and simple. 
However, the heavenly Father, the Father of all does not keep souls in hell forever. We must ask, "Keeping souls in hell eternally... ...Please, what purpose does it serve? How does that add value to the eternal plan and purpose of God? Who benefits from that?"
Revelation 20:14 says, "And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death." Clearly, "hell" is not the same as "the lake of fire". If they are the same, hell will not be cast into the lake of fire. Hell cannot be cast into itself. So, please, what does this text mean? The mortal death is the first death. Now, some people will find themselves in hell. But after a while, "death and hell" would be cast into the lake of fire. What does this mean? It means they would go from hell to the lake of fire. Why?
The thing is, the love, mercy and justice of our changeless or immutable heavenly Father is far, far beyond our human understanding. Even in hell, people would have an opportunity to make an eternally binding decision to totally and completely reject God and his eternal plan and purpose. This decision, in all fairness, has to be made "consciously" and "wholeheartedly". True justice demands this. And many times, the confusion and turmoil of the very short life on Earth does not afford people the opportunity to make this decision. In all fairness, they must be afforded this opportunity. We are talking about souls that cannot be admitted into "heaven" - they have not met the requirements but at the same time, they have not fully and wholeheartedly rejected God - consciously or knowingly.
This is where "hell" comes in. It's a temporary holding place. If the soul repents completely and wholeheartedly submits to the Father's eternal plan, purpose and love, he (or she) gains the right to "ascend" to the celestial abodes of glory (a.k.a. heaven). If the soul refuses to wholeheartedly embrace the divine love and to fall in line with God's eternal plan and purpose, then there's nothing else Deity can do for such a soul. His/her final destination becomes "the lake of fire", which is "the second death" (Revelation 20:14).
"The lake of fire" is a coded term for annihilation or cessation of being. The individual will cease to exist. That's it. To God and to righteous spirits, cessation of being is a most painful thing - beyond what human words can describe. To them, it is synonymous with being cast into a lake of fire, world without end. The lake of fire is cessation of being. The soul has consciously and wholeheartedly decided not to be a part of God's eternal adventure. He (or she) would be let go!
Yes, Jesus Christ said in hell, the worms do not die and the fire is not quenched (Mark 9:48). But he never said the soul would be there eternally. After the first death (physical body death), if the soul lands in hell, he/she would continue his/her existence there. If that soul totally and completely refuses to be salvaged, he/she would experience death. This is the second death - the death of the soul. This means, "death and hell" for that particular individual is cast into "the lake of fire". This is the final judgment. There is no resurrection whatsoever for the individual at this stage. There is no resurrection from the second death.
The first death is death of the mortal flesh. But the soul continues to exist. The second death is death of the soul. With regards to "the spirit", it is with God - the spirit returns to God after the first death. At the second death, "the personality" returns to God. The soul disintegrates into nothingness. Anything of eternal value from the life experiences of the individual is preserved in "the spirit".
It is very important for us to understand that many times, symbols are used by the heavenly realms to communicate information to us, who live in the earthly realm. In your dream experiences, you may be shown "hell fire". This does not mean in literal terms there is a physical fire with people burning in it. The fire, the worms, etc that you may see are symbolic. You may even see angels interacting with the souls there. And the "interaction" may appear to your mortal mind as "torture". In actuality, the angels are ministering to the souls, seeking to assist them to evolve. What you see as "torture from angels" is symbolic. The soul is being provided opportunities to face what is holding him/her back from wholeheartedly embracing the divine love and the divine way. The weights and chains keeping him down in the pits of hell have to be broken to allow him ascend to heaven. It's not a walk in the park. There's conflict. There's pain. There's sorrow. It is what it is. But one day, a final choice will be made... 
No one will be in great pains and sorrows forever and ever in some hell. Being in hell eternally serves no value to anyone. It adds nothing to our heavenly Father's eternal plan and purpose. Nothing. It benefits no one. It adds nothing to the Father's eternal Kingdom. Plain and simple. The unfathomable love of the Father of fathers will go at any length to salvage or save his child. But that which love cannot save does not exist forever. Justice will terminate it. Some people do not understand these things, in part, because they have a very, very limited and a very, very faulty viewpoint of the concept of the soul. May the eyes of our understanding be enlightened. Amen.
Now may the will of God, our heavenly Father, the Father of spirits, be done by you! 👉🕴👈

I greet you!
- Pastor Karo Akamune
#OneLove  🙏