Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Death, Physical Death

 "...What magic could death, the natural dissolution of the material body, hold that such a simple step should instantly transform the mortal and material mind into an immortal and perfected spirit? Such beliefs are but ignorant superstitions and pleasing fables." - Urantia Book 48:0.3 

So, right here in the Urantia Book, we see that: 
Death, physical death, is the natural dissolution of the material body.
Death is a simple step that we take to transition from this earthly realm to the celestial realms. 

Death is a technique that releases the soul and allows the soul and spirit to leave this earth and go to heaven. This is simply the function of death - death of the physical body. Death has no power to make you a perfected spirit. To become a perfected spirit, or for your soul to become perfect as your spirit Thought Adjuster is perfect, you have to grow intellectually and spiritually. 

Three Kinds of Death 
There are three different kinds of death:
UB Paper 112:3, "The Phenomenon of Death" 

Urantians generally recognize only one kind of death, the physical cessation of life energies; but concerning personality survival there are really three kinds:

1. Spiritual (soul) death. If and when mortal man has finally rejected survival, when he has been pronounced spiritually insolvent, morontially bankrupt, in the conjoint opinion of the Adjuster and the surviving seraphim, when such co-ordinate advice has been recorded on Uversa, and after the Censors and their reflective associates have verified these findings, thereupon do the rulers of Orvonton order the immediate release of the indwelling Monitor. But this release of the Adjuster in no way affects the duties of the personal or group seraphim concerned with that Adjuster-abandoned individual. This kind of death is final in its significance irrespective of the temporary continuation of the living energies of the physical and mind mechanisms. From the cosmic standpoint the mortal is already dead; the continuing life merely indicates the persistence of the material momentum of cosmic energies. 

2. Intellectual (mind) death. When the vital circuits of higher adjutant ministry are disrupted through the aberrations of intellect or because of the partial destruction of the mechanism of the brain, and if these conditions pass a certain critical point of irreparability, the indwelling Adjuster is immediately released to depart for Divinington. On the universe records a mortal personality is considered to have met with death whenever the essential mind circuits of human will-action have been destroyed. And again, this is death, irrespective of the continuing function of the living mechanism of the physical body. The body minus the volitional mind is no longer human, but according to the prior choosing of the human will, the soul of such an individual may survive. 

3. Physical (body and mind) death. When death overtakes a human being, the Adjuster remains in the citadel of the mind until it ceases to function as an intelligent mechanism, about the time that the measurable brain energies cease their rhythmic vital pulsations. Following this dissolution the Adjuster takes leave of the vanishing mind, just as unceremoniously as entry was made years before, and proceeds to Divinington by way of Uversa. 

Now please, let's take a look at, "The wages of sin is death." Please, what does this mean? 

Urantia Book 53:9.8
"But for ages the seven prison worlds of spiritual darkness in Satania have constituted a solemn warning to all Nebadon, eloquently and effectively proclaiming the great truth “that the way of the transgressor is hard”; “that within every sin is concealed the seed of its own destruction”; that “the wages of sin is death.”"  

“The wages of sin is death”: This is talking about spiritual or soul death NOT physical death (not body and mind death). Physical death is simply the natural dissolution of the material body of flesh and blood. It is used to release the soul and spirit from this earthly realm. Another way to release the soul and spirit from this earthly realm is translation by the spiritual fires of God, "chariots of fire": "the spiritual fires of consuming grandeur and ascending glory." (UB 55:2.5)

Blessed Be! 🍷❤️😇🙏
- Brother Karo Akamune 

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