Monday, July 29, 2024

How To Prevail Mightily: Thought, Word, Action

When you understand the Trinity concept and bring it into your life, it will help you to become more than a conqueror. One way to look at the Paradise Trinity is this: God the Father is the "Thought". God the Eternal Son is the "Word" and God the Infinite Spirit is the "Action", "Act" or "Deed". The Father thinks the Thought. The Son speaks the Word. The Spirit does the Deed.

It is very, very important to understand that everything must start with the "thought". If you really want to experience great success, you must follow process. And this is the process:
1st: The Thought.
2nd: The Word.
3rd: The Act or Action.
A very big reason why some people do not see amazing breakthroughs in their lives is this: They are not following due process. You cannot skip the "Thought" and jump straight to the "Word" or "Act". You cannot skip the Father and jump straight to the Son, Christ or the Holy Spirit. (The Eternal Son manifests as Christ Michael to us; the Infinite Spirit manifests as the Holy Spirit to us, here on planet Earth far, far, far, far, far away from the Paradise realms.) You cannot skip the heart of the Father, which is in the "Thought" and expect to see the manifestations of the Holy Spirit greatly in your life. Yes, you may see some little manifestations, here and there BUT if you desire amazing manifestations; amazing victories everyday, then you must excel, first and foremost, at the level or stage of the "Thought".
Now please, how does God the heavenly Father manifest to us? How can you gain access to the "Thought"? This is a very, very important question. How can you prevail in your thought life? To discover the answer to these questions, you have to know how the Father manifests to you as the "Thought". The answer is hidden in plain sight! The Father manifests to you as your spirit - the still small voice within; the divine spark of God; the Inner Voice. This is your "Thought Adjuster". This is how the Father who is actually very, very far, far, far, far away from you comes so, so, so, so close to you. He does this by way of the divine spirit within - your "Thought Adjuster". Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within your mind. You need FAITH!
To gain the victory in your thought life or in your thoughts, you have to learn how to excel with your thoughts. To do this, you have to know how to approach God as, "Thought". Everything starts with the thought. This is why God the Father is called the First Source and Center of all! Hallelujah! To mightily and lovingly prevail in your thoughts, you have to walk in enjoying wonderful interactions with God in your thoughts. This is where your Inner Voice, Inner Guide, Thought Adjuster or still small voice within comes in. You have to allow God to come to you as a still small voice, interacting with you in the realm of your thoughts. And there are different techniques to make this happen successfully. When you get this right, then you can succeed with the "Word" powerfully and then you can move onto "Action".
This is how you prevail; how you excel in any and all areas of your life. This is how you gain the victory. This is the process. So many people miss out and are just suffering and struggling because they are not following PROCESS. Firstly, you must build a loving, amazing, intimate, one-on-one, personal conversational relationship with your divine Thought Adjuster who lives within your mind; let God take charge of your thoughts or your thought life. And then the Son (the Word) will be able to gain deep roots in you for the Spirit (the Action, the Act) to move in you and through you to manifest amazing wonders for your intellectual and spiritual uplift and that of others - God adding value to others through you; God bringing so much love and blessings and breakthroughs to you and to others through you. And please, note that you can be enjoying all these at the same time: Thought, Word, Action, for in a sense, they are intertwined. But you must learn to follow the right process. Hallelujah! 💓🎇🙌
With sincerity,
Brother Karo Akamune

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